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Hurricane Irene

On August 26, 2010 Hurricane Irene whooped our ass. We were on the North-West side of the storm and were only supposed to get Tropical Storm winds, meaning; sustained winds of around 35 to 40 MPH with gusts of up to 70+ MPH, but what we ended up with was utter devastation.

I was not prepared in the slightest for this storm, not even any toilet-flushing water saved up in the tubs. *bad-boy!*

We were lucky that we had a case of drinking water stashed away that we'd forgotten about and plenty of canned goods, grills & smokers and a woodstove for cooking.

The puppy had already been outside numerous times and the high-winds and driving rain were just the most fun he'd ever had so far. I was downstairs hooking him up to the leader as I could easily stand inside the French doors and allow him to reach far enough out into the yard to do his business. On this particular trip the first two trees fell and took out a large branch of the third tree right in front of us. Didn't faze the puppy at all.

Here's my Durango the morning after the storm. Here's where I normally park my Durango from above and from behind. And, that tree just missed the Honda. Had it blown in the same direction of all the other trees it would have hit dead-center above the balcony.

Tree Number 13 did hit the house, bit it did very little exterior damage until another tree fell on top of it during the night. At least it stopped short of taking out the Heat Pump.

Here's the front-left corner of our house from our mailbox.

How many tree stumps can you count in this picture? How about this one?

Here's a nice picture of a coupla logs and a second one.

Mr. Smith doing some serious work.

Wait until he has to split this piece.

And I watched him work this piece over with several saws and plans A, B, and C. And he finally succeeded.

Here's my Woodchuck Tool. Karl Kiesman is reselling these.

That's the short version of what happened during Hurricane Irene and very little of the hard work we'd done so far cleaning this place up...We're halfway there.

I was born and raised in Florida and have survived many, many storms of all types and none ever left such a negative emotional impression on me like Irene has.

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